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Gate Guard Service

Gate guard service involves a variety of skills and abilities. It's important for gate guards to be well-versed in security procedures, as they play a key role in ensuring the safety of individuals and property. Get the best Gate guard services here.

The best gate guards have extensive knowledge of a community's policies and procedures, including the types of vehicles allowed on the grounds, parking lot rules, muster points and emergency protocols. They also ensure that guests are greeted with a welcoming smile and are able to access the grounds without fear of being trespassed or injured.

Most gate guards work in a confined area outside of a gated entrance to a complex, verifying every individual who attempts to enter the premises. This increases overall security and reduces cut-through traffic, thereby decreasing the chance of crime happening on the premises.

Several security companies offer gate guard services, and many of them have a contract with the property for which they are working. These contracts provide benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans.

Some of the most common job sites for gate guards include truck or lumber yards, corporate buildings and warehouses, and gated communities and complexes. They are also employed by governments, often at large government offices.

One of the biggest challenges facing a gate guard is to be available around the clock. Whether it's a company or a gated community, the majority of gates need to be staffed 24/7 for safety reasons. This means that you need to have a flexible schedule, or your employer will need to find someone else to work on those shifts.

If you're planning to become a gate guard, it's a good idea to get a Level 2 Non-Commissioned Security Guard License before applying. This license will give you legal standing to work on gated properties and is required in the State of Texas. You can start the process by completing a private security bureau level II course or starting an online security guard program, such as those offered by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Aside from securing the perimeter of a location, gate guards also perform other duties on the premises. For example, they are tasked with keeping a log of who is visiting the site, if there are any unauthorized individuals or products on the property, and if there's an issue with the gate itself, such as broken glass or tampered locks.

Gate guards are typically paid a daily rate that depends on the size of the gate and the company they work for. Some companies will pay a higher salary, while others offer more flexibility in their daily schedules. Get details on these Gate guards now.

The average gate guard earns $150 - $175 per day. This can be a significant amount of money, especially if you're manning a gate on a 24/7 basis.

Another benefit of being a gate guard is the ability to live and work in an RV on-site at the gate. It's a good way to have a home-away-from-home while you travel, but it can be challenging if you're trying to balance a normal lifestyle with the demands of gate guarding. Education is a never ending process, so continue reading here:


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